I just finished repairing a
Viewsonic VG1930WM that had no power, no standby LED, completely dead. I opened up the monitor and checked the output voltages from the power supply and both were present and stable. I verified that the 5V was still present at the main board. Next I checked the output from the 3.3V and 1.8V linear voltage regulator
ICs on the main board and the 3.3V regulator's output was
considerably low around 2.2V, the
output from the 1.8V regulator was also very low but it gets its input from the 3.3V regulator so it makes sense that the 1.8V regulators voltage was low. I replaced the 3.3V regulator after verifying it was
faulty and the monitor was still dead when I plugged it in to check
voltages again, the 3.3V regulator's output was now within tolerance so I again checked the
output from the 1.8V regulator and it was still low about 1.2V, so I then replaced the 1.8V regulator and when I plugged the monitor in to check the
output from the 1.8V regulator I saw the
standby light turn on, the voltage output from the 1.8V regulator was now within tolerance and the monitor turned on and functioned flawlessly.

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